CAPTILARVES (finished)

France Haute Garonne – Lac Lamartine

Feasibility study for freshwater CARE fishing.


The project aim was to test and validate the PCC technique applied to freshwater during the year 2014 – in two water bodies of the Lamartine site (Commune de Roques Sur Garonne – 31).

The work carried out by the teams of the EDB (Evolution and Diversité Biologique) and Ecolab (Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Environment) laboratories, as well as by Ecocean and the Haute-Garonne fishing federation, had allowed the adaptation of CAREs in shallow depths and to obtain information concerning, in particular, the species fishing period, the size of the individual caught, and the morphological characteristics of these very young stages of life.

These results will eventually allow the measurement of the lakes’ health (abundance and diversity of PL collected) and to consider restoration operations for several wild fish populations.

Following this study, a first identification guide of the post larvae inhabiting these lakes has been published, notably with photographs of different development stages.

Diagnostic uses, In France