Following two years of research (LANDEAU project 2014 – 2015) on the theme of “small coastal bottoms” on the site of the Lagoon of Brusc and more broadly on the Embiez archipelago and the Brusc harbor, it is appropriate today, in light of the various results, to direct this area towards the establishment of a restoration program of greater scope.
The DCSMM provides for the creation of a workshop site where a certain number of actions in favor of ecological restoration will be applied. The implementation of a set of innovative procedures will provide feedback on our ability to act favorably on the environment.
This global approach includes actions on different issues; restoration of ecological functions in harbor areas, small coastal bottoms, ecological restoration, rehabilitation of ecological functions, restoration of wetlands in the Mediterranean area and continued R&D.
The organization of the SARLAB project & the different actions envisioned concerns:
The various actions that will be implemented aim to obtain concrete results in terms of “ecological gain” over the entire area.
The large-scale restoration project will allow assessing the ability to act on the recovery of some key ecological functions.
Through this possible recovery of ecological functions, this project indirectly aims to support the demographic of marine resources, and at the same time support local fisheries known as small crafts.
At the end of the project, depending on the evaluations and the ecological monitoring, the results obtained will guide the decisions on various long-term implementation actions.
With IOPR and l’Agence de l’Eau