Ecocean winner Merlin competition !

Ecocean winner Merlin competition !

ECOCEAN won the “MERLIN” competition in the PRODUCT OF THE YEAR category by presenting its vegetated floating rafts!

MERLIN, whose aim is the integration of ecological restoration of freshwater ecosystems in the context of the landscape (innovation, upmarket and transformation), allowed us to present our vegetated floating rafts solution to numerous freshwater managers.
Ecocean has already installed more than 700m2 of rafts on the water since 2018. These structures, made by the company Biomatrix Water, help boost terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity and renaturalise urban areas. Ecocean is the official distributor in France of these structures.
The little extra feature of our installations is the installation of Biohuts underneath these rafts, which enable us to provide more shelter for young aquatic animals.
Ecological monitoring is regularly carried out under the rafts, allowing us to measure the great effectiveness of these solutions.